This is a great bag for light loads We bought this backpack for our son whose favorite color is green. The “lime green” color is more like fluorescent green. It’s more yellow than lime. He LOVES it, but it’s a lot lighter than I expected. It is very well made, and the straps have a lot of room to be adjusted to a longer length for older kids or small adults.
Great K-2 starter backpack This is a perfect size for my daughter in kindergarten. The black with butterflies is a nice dark pattern so it doesn’t get stained even after she drags it on the floor. The material is lightweight but sturdy, seams have held up well through several months of abuse. For the price, it’s a great value and I don’t have a problem with character based backpacks but this is slightly “classier” so that is a positive as well.
This is a great bag for light loads We bought this backpack for our son whose favorite color is green. The “lime green” color is more like fluorescent green. It’s more yellow than lime. He LOVES it, but it’s a lot lighter than I expected. It is very well made, and the straps have a lot of room to be adjusted to a longer length for older kids or small adults.
Great K-2 starter backpack This is a perfect size for my daughter in kindergarten. The black with butterflies is a nice dark pattern so it doesn’t get stained even after she drags it on the floor. The material is lightweight but sturdy, seams have held up well through several months of abuse. For the price, it’s a great value and I don’t have a problem with character based backpacks but this is slightly “classier” so that is a positive as well.
Small, fun backpack Length:: 2:50 Mins