For years, I was a designer in a bags factory. I am good at designing messenger bags, backpacks. My dream is to design and produce cool bags with reasonable price for people all over the world. But then the factory close down and My dream hasnt stoped.
So I used my property to open a small studio with my wife on 1994. I designed bags and my wife make it real. And we sold these bags to our retailers.
A few years later, we have our own company whose brand is KAUKKO and registered the brand in the EU and US. Our products are exported to more than 20 countries and also has been recognized by the public. But our idea has not changed, that is committed to create the eternal and the highest quality products with careful details. In order to provide customers with the right and comfortable bag, we have been constantly exploring and learning. We are always responsible for the quality of our products.
Try us today, and let us prove that we are what we claim – constantly supporting your buying experience.
Please confirm before purchase.
Description and Specification :
—-Material: 3 kinds of material. Polyster/ Canvas/Linen.
Outer material: High quality & lightweight Polyester or 16OZ high density Canvas
Inner material: Nylon lining
—-Capacity: 22.4L.
—-Weight: Approx 2 LB.
—-Application : Perfect for business,work school and travel use.
Package includes:
1* backpack
1.The actual color of the backpack maybe have little different from the picture due to the different screen of display or reflecting light when shooting.
2.1-2 cm error of measuring is a reasonable range due to different measurement methods.
3. This series polyster backpack is water repellent, which means not easily penetrated by water, especially as a result of being treated for such a purpose with a surface coating.
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Absolutely loved this backpack Absolutely loved this backpack. I bought it to take to Ireland and Scotland on vacation. It was the perfect size and worked well for an airplane carry on. Can fit a ton of stuff….I use now for weekend trips for all my clothes and such! The only issue I had is the drawstring started to shred, so I brought an extra drawstring to replace it. Very happy with the style and size of product. Would buy again.Update: The company is dealing with the drawstring issue! Great customer service…
My favorite backpack! 😉 My companion during my 12-day trip around Peru and Bolivia. It’s a really great bag for traveling.Extremely sturdy and well-made. It went on a combined 34 hour airplane ride, 28 hours of bus ride and many hours on the train and car!The bag is really nice and spacious inside and fit half my clothes for the trip, gadgets and my 3-1 jacket.I love the pockets outside for easy access to important documents during my travel. The water bottle pockets on the side as…
Worth every penny! I’ve had this backpack for about two months so far and I love it! When I first started searching for bags I wanted a Herschel backpack until I looked at the price tag. This was at least $40-$60 cheaper, looks exactly the same to me, and is even more functional. I bought this with the intention of school use, but it would definitely work perfect for hiking or travel too. In the past I would always choose my bags based on style, but now I look more for comfort and want what’s good for my back…