This is fake! I bought two of these bags for my daughters and I was so disappointed! They are clearly knock offs. They do not have a front zipper as pictured and do not have the Vera Bradley labeling, except the small tag on the outside. There are no pouches on the inside either. I’m returning and looking for a real Vera Bradley.
To say the least I was very disappointed!! I expected the same size large duffel bag that I have been buying for years. Instead, I get a smaller duffel bag with nothing in the description that states that itâs not the large original duffel bag . To say the least I was very disappointed !!!!
Love at first sight I am absolutely in love with this bag! It has ample room, gorgeous, and stylish. Cannot wait to test my bag next week, for my trip to a theme park. I will list the items I was able to fit in the bag upon my return. Definitely worth the price
This is fake! I bought two of these bags for my daughters and I was so disappointed! They are clearly knock offs. They do not have a front zipper as pictured and do not have the Vera Bradley labeling, except the small tag on the outside. There are no pouches on the inside either. I’m returning and looking for a real Vera Bradley.
To say the least I was very disappointed!! I expected the same size large duffel bag that I have been buying for years. Instead, I get a smaller duffel bag with nothing in the description that states that itâs not the large original duffel bag . To say the least I was very disappointed !!!!
Love at first sight I am absolutely in love with this bag! It has ample room, gorgeous, and stylish. Cannot wait to test my bag next week, for my trip to a theme park. I will list the items I was able to fit in the bag upon my return. Definitely worth the price